Women's Day

It is

The International Women's Day!

This year we have entered into an agreement

Collaborate with Danish Refugee Council

Danish Refugee Council is a humanitarian organization that, among other things, working for, that women and girls have equal access to rights. Because women and girls on the run are particularly exposed to discrimination on flight routes and in refugee camps.

We give you the opportunity to buy T-shirts and merch from the Danish Migration Agency, in the store or on our webshop. You can also support by donating an amount you decide yourself when you shop at Kræss.

All amounts go directly to the Danish Refugee Council.

We stand together and lift as a group!

Your support via Kræss enables the Danish Refugee Council to:

  • Protect women and girls from abuse
  • Distribution of hygiene articles
  • To work so that girls can go to school and get an education
  • Provide psychosocial counseling after abuse
  • To empower girls and women to generate their own income so they can feed themselves and their families
  • Inform about and secure the rights of girls and women
  • Assist in obtaining legal documents

Du kan støtte både her i webshoppen eller i butikken. alle varene er tilgængelige fra 8/3 kl 06:00 online

Lad dig inspirerer endnumere og se vores katalog længere nede. Her bliver de nye produkter lagt op! kl 06:00 d. 8/3