Kamp Kvinde

190 kr

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The artwork has been reviewed and printed in Kræss Print Studio in collaboration with the artist. We ensure that the print quality, colors and paper are of the best possible quality, and that the artist is paid for each and every artwork sold. In this way, we ensure creativity and quality for both artist and customer.

Stock status

Webshop: The poster is in stock.
Store: Order online with Click & Collect. Your order is ready for collection no later than 24 hours after ordering.
Most of our posters are always in the store, but we try to minimize our stock and print on-demand for the sake of the environment. We cannot guarantee that the poster will be in the store if you do not order it in advance.

Returning and gift politics

30 days return: You can return the posters in the store or online. You get your money back. If you choose to get the poster framed, you can also return the frame.
If it is a gift: In the basket, you can choose to attach a return label (and gift wrap) if you wish.
All gifts can be exchanged within 30 days. We exchange both in the store and online. If you choose to have the posters framed, the recipient can also change the frame.


Beautiful poster by a talented independent artist.

SKU: 211439 Categories: , , Tag:

Om Mig:

Jeg er Katarina Duedal, en kunstner baseret i Bagsværd, hvis kreative tanker manifesterer sig som små glimt i hverdagen. Jeg er passioneret omkring at omsætte disse øjeblikke til unikke og betydningsfulde tegninger.


I min kunstneriske udforskning anvender jeg traditionelle materialer som farveblyanter og blæk for at skabe nuancer og dybde. Samtidig integrerer jeg også digitale medier ved at tegne grafiske værker på iPad, hvilket udvider mine muligheder for kreativ selvudfoldelse.

Inspiration og Temaer:

My works strive to create joy, peace and balance. They often tell stories about the different facets of life, the innocence of childhood and my role as a mother and woman. I want to arouse curiosity and open doors to reflection through my artistic explorations.

Daglig Kreativ Praksis:

Mit daglige fristed er mit værksted i Bagsværd, hvor jeg lader mine tanker flyde frit og skaber kunst, der afspejler mine følelser og indtryk fra omverdenen.

Tak for at udforske min kunstneriske rejse. Jeg håber, mine værker bringer dig glæde og inspiration.